Source code for jonga

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018,2024 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. GPLv2+ License.

"""Call tracing for class method inheritance documentation"""

import os
import gc
import inspect
import re
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
    raise RuntimeError('Module jonga requires Python version 3.3 or greater')

import pygraphviz as pgv

__version__ = '0.0.5b1'
__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

__modulename__ = sys.modules[__name__].__name__

[docs] def current_function(frame): """ Get reference to currently running function from inspect/trace stack frame. Parameters ---------- frame : stack frame Stack frame obtained via trace or inspect Returns ------- fnc : function reference Currently running function """ if frame is None: return None code = frame.f_code # Attempting to extract the function reference for these calls appears # to be problematic if code.co_name == '__del__' or code.co_name == '_remove' or \ code.co_name == '_removeHandlerRef': return None try: # Solution follows suggestion at lst = [referer for referer in gc.get_referrers(code) if getattr(referer, "__code__", None) is code and inspect.getclosurevars(referer).nonlocals.items() <= frame.f_locals.items()] if lst: return lst[0] else: return None except ValueError: # inspect.getclosurevars can fail with ValueError: Cell is empty return None
[docs] def function_qname(fnc): """ Get qualified name of a function (the fully qualified name without the module prefix). Parameters ---------- fnc : function reference A function reference Returns ------- fqn : string The qualified name the function """ if fnc is None: return '' else: return fnc.__qualname__
[docs] def function_fqname(fnc): """ Get fully qualified name of a function. Parameters ---------- fnc : function reference A function reference Returns ------- fqn : string The fully qualified name the function """ if fnc is None: return '' else: return fnc.__module__ + '.' + fnc.__qualname__
[docs] def current_module_name(frame): """ Get name of module of currently running function from inspect/trace stack frame. Parameters ---------- frame : stack frame Stack frame obtained via trace or inspect Returns ------- modname : string Currently running function module name """ if frame is None: return None if hasattr(frame.f_globals, '__name__'): return frame.f_globals['__name__'] else: mod = inspect.getmodule(frame) if mod is None: return '' else: return mod.__name__
[docs] class CallTracer(object): """ Manage construction of a call graph for methods within a class hierarchy. """ def __init__(self, srcmodflt=None, dstmodflt=None, srcqnmflt=None, dstqnmflt=None, fnmsub=None, grpflt=None, lnksub=None): """ Parameters ---------- srcmodflt : None or regex string, optional (default None) A regex for call filtering based on calling function module. A function call is only recorded if the regex matches the name of the calling function module. If None, filtering is disabled. dstmodflt : None or regex string, optional (default None) A regex for call filtering based on caller function. A function call is only recorded if the regex matches the name of the called function module. If None, filtering is disabled. srcqnmflt : None or regex string, optional (default None) A regex for call filtering based on calling function qname. A function call is only recorded if the regex matches the name of the calling function. If None, filtering is disabled. dstqnmflt : None or regex string, optional (default None) A regex for call filtering based on caller function qname. A function call is only recorded if the regex matches the name of the called function. If None, filtering is disabled. fnmsub : None or tuple of two regex strings, optional (default None) A tuple of match and replace regex strings for computing graph node names from function qnames. If None, node names are function qnames. grpflt : None or regex string, optional (default None) A regex string for extracting part of the function fqname as a group name. If None, groups are not defined. lnksub : None or tuple of two regex strings, optional (default None) A tuple of match and replace regex strings for computing node href attributes from node names. If None, href attributes are not defined. """ # Regex for caller function module filtering if srcmodflt is None: srcmodflt = '.*' # Regex for called function module filtering if dstmodflt is None: dstmodflt = srcmodflt # Compiled regex for caller function module filtering self.srcmodflt = re.compile(srcmodflt) # Compiled regex for called function module filtering self.dstmodflt = re.compile(dstmodflt) # Regex for caller function qname filtering if srcqnmflt is None: srcqnmflt = '.*' # Regex for called function qname filtering if dstqnmflt is None: dstqnmflt = srcqnmflt # Compiled regex for caller function qname filtering self.srcqnmflt = re.compile(srcqnmflt) # Compiled regex for called function qname filtering self.dstqnmflt = re.compile(dstqnmflt) # Regex pair for function name replacement self.fnmsub = fnmsub # Regex for constructing function grouping string if grpflt is None: self.grpflt = None else: self.grpflt = re.compile(grpflt) # Regex for link target construction self.lnksub = lnksub # Initialise dicts for recording call information self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset record of called functions, deleting all accumulated call information. """ # Dict associating function name with list containing counts # of occurrences in caller and called roles self.fncts = {} # Dict associating tuple of (caller,called) function names # with counts of such calls self.calls = {} # Dict associating group match string with corresponding functions = {}
def _trace(self, frame, event, arg): """ Build a record of called functions using the trace mechanism. """ # Return if this is not a function call if event != 'call': return # Filter calling and called functions by module names src_mod = current_module_name(frame.f_back) dst_mod = current_module_name(frame) # Avoid tracing the tracer (specifically, call from # ContextCallTracer.__exit__ to CallTracer.stop) if src_mod == __modulename__ or dst_mod == __modulename__: return # Apply source and destination module filters if not self.srcmodflt.match(src_mod): return if not self.dstmodflt.match(dst_mod): return # Get calling and called functions src_func = current_function(frame.f_back) dst_func = current_function(frame) # Filter calling and called functions by qnames if not self.srcqnmflt.match(function_qname(src_func)): return if not self.dstqnmflt.match(function_qname(dst_func)): return # Get calling and called function full names src_name = function_fqname(src_func) dst_name = function_fqname(dst_func) # Modify full function names if necessary if self.fnmsub is not None: src_name = re.sub(self.fnmsub[0], self.fnmsub[1], src_name) dst_name = re.sub(self.fnmsub[0], self.fnmsub[1], dst_name) # Update calling function count if src_func is not None: if src_name in self.fncts: self.fncts[src_name][0] += 1 else: self.fncts[src_name] = [1, 0] # Update called function count if dst_func is not None and src_func is not None: if dst_name in self.fncts: self.fncts[dst_name][1] += 1 else: self.fncts[dst_name] = [0, 1] # Update caller/calling pair count if dst_func is not None and src_func is not None: key = (src_name, dst_name) if key in self.calls: self.calls[key] += 1 else: self.calls[key] = 1
[docs] def start(self): """Start tracing.""" sys.settrace(self._trace)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop tracing.""" # Stop tracing sys.settrace(None) # Build group structure if group filter is defined if self.grpflt is not None: # Iterate over graph nodes (functions) for k in self.fncts: # Construct group identity string m = # If group identity string found, append current node # to that group if m is not None: ms = if ms in[ms].append(k) else:[ms] = [k, ]
@staticmethod def _clrgen(n, h0, hr): """Default colour generating function. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of colours to generate h0 : float Initial H value in HSV colour specification hr : float Size of H value range to use for colour generation (final H value is h0 + hr) Returns ------- clst : list of strings List of HSV format colour specification strings """ n0 = n if n == 1 else n-1 clst = ['%f,%f,%f' % (h0 + hr*hi/n0, 0.35, 0.85) for hi in range(n)] return clst
[docs] def graph(self, fnm=None, size=None, fntsz=None, fntfm=None, clrgen=None, rmsz=False, prog='dot'): """ Construct call graph. Parameters ---------- fnm : None or string, optional (default None) Filename of graph file to be written. File type is determined by the file extensions (e.g. dot for '' and SVG for 'graph.svg'). If None, a file is not written. size : string or None, optional (default None) Graph image size specification string. fntsz : int or None, optional (default None) Font size for text. fntnm : string or None, optional (default None) Font family specification string. clrgen : function or None, optional (default None) Function to call to generate the group colours. This function should take an integer specifying the number of groups as an argument and return a list of graphviz-compatible colour specification strings. rmsz : bool, optional (default False) If True, remove the width and height specifications from an SVG format output file so that the size scales properly when viewed in a web browser prog : string, optional (default 'dot') Name of graphviz layout program to use. Returns ------- pgr : pygraphviz.AGraph Call graph of traced function calls """ # Default colour generation function if clrgen is None: clrgen = lambda n: self._clrgen(n, 0.330, 0.825) # Generate color list clrlst = clrgen(len( # Initialise a pygraphviz graph g = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True, landscape=False, rankdir='LR', newrank=True, fontsize=fntsz, fontname=fntfm, size=size, ratio='compress', color='black', bgcolor='#ffffff00') # Set graph attributes g.node_attr.update(penwidth=0.25, shape='box', style='rounded,filled') # Iterate over functions adding them as graph nodes for k in self.fncts: g.add_node(k, fontsize=fntsz, fontname=fntfm) # If lnksub regex pair is provided, compute an href link # target from the node name and add it as an attribute to # the node if self.lnksub is not None: lnktgt = re.sub(self.lnksub[0], self.lnksub[1], k) g.get_node(k).attr.update(href=lnktgt, target="_top") # If function has no calls to it, set its rank to "source" if self.fncts[k][1] == 0: g.get_node(k).attr.update(rank='source') # If groups defined, construct a subgraph for each and add the # nodes in each group to the corresponding subgraph if fngrpnm = {} # Iterate over group number/group name pairs for k in zip(range(len(, sorted( g.add_subgraph([k[1]], name='cluster_' + k[1], label=k[1], penwidth=2, style='dotted', pencolor=clrlst[k[0]]) # Iterate over nodes in current group for l in[k[1]]: # Create record of function group number fngrpnm[l] = k[0] # Set common group colour for current node g.get_node(l).attr.update(fillcolor=clrlst[k[0]]) # Iterate over function calls, adding each as an edge for k in self.calls: # If groups defined, set edge colour according to group of # calling function, otherwise set a standard colour if g.add_edge(k[0], k[1], penwidth=2, color=clrlst[fngrpnm[k[0]]]) else: g.add_edge(k[0], k[1], color='grey') # Call layout program g.layout(prog=prog) # Write graph file if filename provided if fnm is not None: ext = os.path.splitext(fnm)[1] if ext == '.dot': g.write(fnm) else: if ext == '.svg' and rmsz: img = g.draw(format='svg').decode('utf-8') cp = re.compile(r'\n<svg width=\"[^\"]*\" ' 'height=\"[^\"]*\"') img = cp.sub(r'\n<svg', img, count=1) with open(fnm, 'w') as fd: fd.write(img) else: g.draw(fnm) # Return graph object return g
def __str__(self): """Get string representation.""" s = '' for k in self.fncts: s += '%-40s %2d %2d\n' % (k, self.fncts[k][0], self.fncts[k][1]) for k in self.calls: s += '%-35s -> %-35s %2d\n' % (k[0], k[1], self.calls[k]) for k in s += '%s\n ' % k for l in[k]: s += '%s ' % l s += '\n' return s
[docs] class ContextCallTracer(object): """ A wrapper class for :class:`CallTracer` that enables its use as a context manager. At the end of the context a call graph image is generated and written to a path specified in the initialiser. """ def __init__(self, ct, pth=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ct : class:`CallTracer` object Specify the call tracer object to be used as a context manager. pth : string or None, optional (default None) Specify the path of the graph image file to be written by :meth:`CallTracer.graph` at the end of the context. A graph is not generated if it is ``None``. **kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`CallTracer.graph` """ self.ct = ct self.pth = pth self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self): """ Reset and start call tracer and return this ContextCallTracer instance. """ self.ct.reset() self.ct.start() return self def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback): """ Stop the call tracer and return True if no exception was raised within the 'with' block, otherwise return False. """ self.ct.stop() if self.pth is not None: self.ct.graph(self.pth, **self.kwargs) if extype: return False else: return True
[docs] def calltracer(self): """ Return the call tracer object associated with this ContextCallTracer instance. """ return self.ct